Helping women thrive in male-dominated work spaces

It’s not just money, titles & power we’re after — it’s freedom.

You don’t have to compromise yourself to build a wildly successful career. And you don’t have to do this alone.

“I feel like I’ve had to refine my personality to be a voice in the room.”

You’re a high-performing, ambitious woman that has built a great reputation.

So why do you still feel so unfulfilled in your career?

Working as a woman in a male-dominated sector is exhausting. While you might shape yourself to fit in, there’s often an emotional cost in acting like someone you’re not.

You are proud of the demanding career you’ve built. But you’re also tired of the pressure to conform. You wish you didn’t have to put up with subtle biases and isolation every damn day.

You want impact. You want influence.
You want recognition for all your hard work.
You’re in the right place. You don’t have to do this alone.







Uber • IBM • Paypal • Spotify • MongoDB •

Want to work together? Join The Collective!

  • Own Your Story Workshop

    To the ambitious woman who is proud of the career she’s built, but still can’t shake the feeling of not being good enough – this one’s for you.

    Real talk? High performance will NEVER be enough.

    This self-directed course will walk you through a step-by-step process to reframe and reclaim your career narrative so that you can show up powerfully and confidently in that meeting with leadership, your next interview or in whatever lies ahead for your wildly successful career.

  • 9to5 Flagship Course

    As a high performing woman you have a lot on your plate. You don’t have time for traditional networking.

    But you KNOW that your current career approach is not working. You feel isolated, overworked, under appreciated and uncertain about how to get to the next level.

    That’s why we created this two-day live, online cohort-based course. You’ll get decades of insights, proven frameworks and actionable tactics compressed over one action-packed weekend alongside other women like you!

  • 1:1 Career Consulting

    Let’s be real: you don’t want just another pep talk.

    You want real, meaningful, ACTIONABLE support to take your career to the next level. You want accountability, but you don’t want to waste your time. You most certainly want to see results.

    It’s time for practical skill building tailored to the daily challenges of a woman working in a male-dominated space.

  • Founder

    I help women working in male-dominated sectors cut through the bullshit, let go of their frustrations and take actionable steps towards a wildly successful career that aligns with their true self.

    I believe that learning to embrace the tensions inherent in these spaces is the answer to finding the most fulfilling work of your life.

    I would know...

    I have spent the last 15 years climbing the corporate ladder in New York City and San Francisco, leading teams at some of the biggest companies in tech & finance.